Blood flows through all of us. It is in every single person on Earth. We would cease to exist as humans on this planet without it coursing through our veins feeding the precious heart within each of us.
Blood does not discriminate. Blood is not concerned with race, religion, politics or sexuality. It only cares about sustaining life. When we get cut, blood comes out of each us the same colour. Uniting us as a humanity and showing that all of us really are the same in so many ways.
This is a critical time in our existence. The world seems to be crumbling around us at times and it can be a daunting feeling. There is so much that it is out of our control and what does that leave us with. Kindness, compassion and empathy for our fellow men and women. These are things that do not cost a thing and can go a long way in healing wounds that have been amongst us for a very long time.
So the next time you judge, hate or discriminate against someone simply based on what they believe or what they look like, really take a look at yourself and how you could impact change.
And remember one vital thing for all us,