Monday, 18 June 2012

This too shall pass

I am often reminded of what my dad tells me when I am struggling,  " This too shall pass."

Yesterday I was at the lowest I have been in months and today my world leveled out and I had an amazing day.  I talked to my boss this morning and we had a good discussion.  I was actually able to verbalize some of my issues and we cleared the air.  He was able to explain some of the stress in his own life and what his expectations were for our crew in regards to a few things.  It was a positive experience and I was happy that the day started that way.

Smitty was a way today so I was in charge of the truck which I was a bit nervous about.  I also did not exactly know where some of the properties were but, managed to get through the day in good spirits.  We finished a mulching job and were able to lay a lot of stone at an interlock job in Brampton.  It is really starting to take form which if good because I believe the job has gone a bit longer than expected.

Jodi looked at Amaya's picture in the car this morning and asked her to be with me today.  I truly believe she was as I was expecting the worst and it worked out to be one of the best days I have had.  She really is an Angel.  I often look in to the sky and look at a star shining bright and think of her.  I miss her.

I took down my blog from yesterday.  I wrote that in a state of depression and frustration.  It was more of a rant than a well though out literary musing.  It was laced with some profanities too and I hope Elias and Rylen have the opportunity to read this one day so I will try to limit the use of four letter words.  Cannot promise I won't let a few slip here and there though but, I will make an effort.

Today taught me that confronting an issue head on is good medicine.  It would have been easy for me to hold everything inside and not explain how I was feeling.  Instead,  I let it all out and it led to a positive outcome.  So many times in my life,  I have simply run a way from things I was scared of facing.  I have to put today in the memory bank and remember how good it felt to get something off my chest and face my fear head on.

Pay someone a compliment this week,  it will go a long way.

Perfectly Imperfect,  Shawn.

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