Tuesday, 16 December 2014

A Little Off

I have not been feeling well mentally the last few days.  I worked Saturday afternoon filling salt bins.  I was not feeling too bad while I was working but, as I drove home, my mood slid downwards in a hurry.  I cannot pin point the reason exactly but, I sunk in to a mini depression.  I sat in our chair crying when I got home.  I just felt overwhelmed by everything at once.  Jodi was not home and I felt alone in my sadness.  When I sink in to these bouts, I only see negatives and my mind pushes out anything positive.  Jodi helped to pick up my mood when she got home.  She does not let me accept the mood I am in and helps me push through.

I was feeling off again yesterday.  I had forgotten to take my meds the previous night and I have not done that in over a year.  I was up really early and could never really get back to sleep.  I had a lot of cleaning to do as we had our home inspection yesterday.  We are getting closer to getting our first home.  I almost made myself sick with nervous energy as I was really worried about the inspection. I was crying again for a bit and was grateful for how smoothly the inspection went as it definitely alleviated the stress I was feeling.  I am very excited about getting a house for the first time but, I put a lot of pressure to help out as much as I can financially.  There has not been too much snow so far and I am worried that I will not get enough hours in over the winter plowing and salting.  I am still not sure about working over nights and how that will impact me mentally.  Good sleep is so important for me and it will definitely be a challenge with the hours I will be working.

Today was a much better day.  I got one of the best sleeps I have had in quite some time.  I had a chance to go for  a coffee with my dad which is always nice.  I was able to enjoy the day and not worry too much about how the next few months will play out.  I really appreciate good days and need to remind myself that this time of year is always a challenging one for me.  Things will work out as they should and I need so spend more time enjoying the small things in life as opposed to worrying about possible negative outcomes.

Looking forward to seeing my sister tomorrow.  Should be a nice day for a drive. Looks like I may get in some salting tomorrow night which will be good. 

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week. Take care, Shawn.

1 comment:

  1. One step at a time Shawn! We all get into a funk sometimes. Put out the positive things that you have to offer, positive thoughts thrown out into the world WILL come back to you! Big Hugs, Sylvy


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