Monday, 12 November 2012

The Final Push

I only have about 2-3 weeks left of the landscaping season.  The end of March seems like yesterday and I find it hard to believe I am almost done.  I am really proud of myself this year for sticking it out and putting my heart and soul in to my work.  This is the longest I have worked at one job without an extended period of time off and is a big accomplishment.

I am eagerly anticipating the end though.  I am mentally and physically drained and am looking forward to some down time at home with Jodi and Ollie.  I am planning on plowing at the air port this year but, the pace of life will definitely slow down.  Getting up at 5:30 or 6:00 and getting home at 6:30 or 7:00 wears on you after a while so winter will be a welcome addition to my life.

I have missed reading the last eight months.  That is one thing I am most certain to catch up on in December.  I hope to have a lot more entries in my blog too.  Not certain what I will write about at this point but,  I simply enjoy writing thoughts down.  If someone happens to come across this and enjoys my entries, then all the better.

Mentally I have been doing fairly well.  I have made a conscience effort not to worry so much about shit that really does not matter.  There was a period in the last few months where I spent the whole weekend worrying about Monday.  It was really affecting the enjoyment of spending time with Jodi.  She was getting frustrated with me as I was a bit of a downer.  Then one weekend,  I just stopped worrying.  Monday was not here yet and there was no need to fret over what may or may not happen on that day.  There was no sense in my logic so I made some adjustments.  The last month I have really enjoyed my two days off and haven't gave too much thought to the upcoming work week.  I have even done better not spending too much time thinking about the next day.  Tomorrow is not even here yet so why waste my time thinking about it.

All in all,  I do not have too many reasons to be down right now.  I still get frustrated with my thoughts at times but,  I am better suited to cope mentally and find success in daily life.

Hope all is well in your life.

Take care,  Shawn.

Happy Happy Happy, Happy Happy Happy, Happy Happy Happy, Happy Happy Happy, toot,   for Elias!!

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