Wednesday, 21 December 2016


I have found myself caught up in the holiday spirit this year.  Not in terms of receiving things but, rather spreading Christmas cheer myself.

As you may know, I have always enjoyed writing.  I used to write many letters when I was younger and also remembered how amazing it was to get one in the mail.  This year, I spent a few days writing holiday cards and letters to those closest to me.  I really wanted to let others know this year that I was thinking of them and that I appreciated their presence in my life.  It helped me realize that I was still connected to a lot of people and that I need to keep those connections alive.

The holidays can be a stressful time for many.  I have learned that giving of ones self with simple acts of kindness can go a long way this time of year.  Showing kindness to someone is free to give but, it goes a lot further than any gift you can buy for someone.

As I have been in the holiday spirit this year, I have been doing some snow blowing and shoveling for others on my street and on my parents streets.  The one morning after a pretty good snowfall, I was at my parents clearing their driveway and back patio.  I saw that our friends Angie and Rob had not cleared their driveway.  I still remember a few years a go, that Rob helped my parents out by doing their driveway.  I decided to clear their driveway that morning, not expecting anything in return.  I was done and was walking the snowblower back to my parents.  I could not hear much but, I guess Angie had come out to talk to me and she ended up following me to my folks place.  She came up to me and thanked me so much for doing their driveway and gave me a big hug.  That moment was a great example of how a simple act can have an amazing impact on people.

There is much negativity and hate in the world at the moment.  It is hard to ignore at times.  But for all that negativity and hate, their is far more people that show kindness and generosity in this world.  Kindness and generosity does not grab the headlines or the front page of the newspaper.  That does not mean it is not out there.  At this point in our world, we need to be sharing those stories more.  People respecting and loving one another for who they are.  For all the evil we face, their is still and always will be, far more good on this planet.  We need to stick together and spread kindness, respect and love around. Our story will have a happy ending and we need to work together to achieve that.

So this holiday season, challenge yourself to spread some kindness around.

A very happy holidays to everyone!!!

Take care,  Shawn.

One love, one heart. Let's get together and feel alright.  
Bob Marley

Kindness is like a boomerang, the more you throw it around, the more it will come back to you.

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