I am feeling a lot better than I did the other day and simply writing the above paragraph has helped me a little bit. I do not mean to sound negative and although there are certainly tough days, I have much to be thankful for. I have to remind myself of the little joys of life and continue to push through for myself and for those who believe in me. I need to stop using my mind as a crystal ball and predicting shitty situations for myself and just allow myself to live day by day. Enjoy participating in life and not simply surviving in it.
I had counseling the other day. It was positive to reach out to someone and just unload some of what I have been having a hard time with. I always leave those appointments feeling some optimism and if nothing else, feel like someone has listened to me without judging me.
Jodi and I leaving for our trip in a couple days. I really want to make this a memorable trip for both of us and I am going to work hard while we are a way to challenge my mind even if I may be having a hard time in certain situations.
Writing is so therapeutic for me. I do not really know if anyone ever actually reads this but, it helps me to get thoughts down. If it helps someone along the way, that would be something I would be proud of. If I ever had the opportunity to be able to write for a living, I would take it in a heartbeat. It has always been my dream. Who know if it will ever become a reality.
Hope this finds you well. If I do not write again before I leave, have a safe and joyous holiday season. Embrace the time you have with family and friends.
Take care, Shawn.
“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.”
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