Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Bell Let's Talk

Tomorrow, January 28th, is Bell Let's Talk day in Canada.  I look forward to this day every year as it is a big step in ending stigmas surrounding mental health. 

If you are a Bell customer, every text or long distance call made will raise five cents towards mental health initiatives.  You can also tweet using the hash tag BellLetsTalk and share the link on Facebook.  I am sure most of you would know someone, either a family member or friend, in your life that has struggled with some form of mental illness.  So please take a few moments tomorrow and send some texts.  If nothing else,  share a conversation with someone about mental health.

I have never been this stable in my life.  Seems just like yesterday that I did not want to leave my bed, just trapped in darkness.  If you knew me now, you would never know what I and those around me have been through over the years.  Jodi knows all too well the pain involved and I am forever grateful for her love and support.  She could have easily given up on me and no one would have blamed her in the slightest.  Mental disorders do not just affect those living with them.  They affect everyone surrounding the person and it can often be a difficult challenge.  I am so thankful for those in my life who have helped get me to this point.  I wish I had not impacted others in a negative way with some of my decisions but, I have been able to learn from the past and look forward to the future.

I was thinking the other day how sick my mind used to be.  I could not separate healthy thoughts from thoughts that were part of my illness.  I am so thankful I am able to manage my thoughts now and do not allow thoughts that shouldn't be there linger in my head.

I have not had a major depressive episode in over five years.  I have struggle through bouts of depression but, nothing like I used to have.  Depression used to paralyze me.  All I could see was darkness and my mind only filled me with negative thoughts about myself.

I have found being open about my illness now and sharing with others has not only been therapeutic for me but, in turn I hope I have been able to share with others some of the struggles of living with a mental illness.  That is what is so important about tomorrow,  sharing experiences with others.  Finding commonality in a cause and spreading awareness.

Take care,  Shawn.

 “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
Thích Nhất Hạnh

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